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A couple of years ago, Science Fiction author Jerry Pournelle discovered that many of his works had been placed online on Scribd without his permission, and discovered that it was astonishingly difficult to get the attention of managers on Scribd in order to have his books removed. Much of the conversation is still available on Pournelle's site:
Scribd was created in 2007-03.
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yes but i do not know how
scrub in your mouth
use scribd
Scribd is a social publishing site, where tens of millions of people share original writings and documents. Scribd's vision is to liberate the written word.
Scribd did not have the author's permission to have Eclipse or any of the Stephenie Meyer books. So they had to remove them or pay a huge fine. Authors write books to make a living. Respect that.
Yes it is. Scribd is called the Youtube of the documents.