

Best Answer

One perspective:

For some.

A Second Perspective:

I can stand gay marriage, but I don't think it's right. I am religious but that doesn't make my view on the matter invalid for atheists. Also it's not only religious people who don't like the idea

The View of a Younger Person:

Same-sex marriages are super gross, I mean, if it was right, then why wouldn't people have been doing it forever?? Why wait until now? Because it's wrong! People are so messed up these days, that in some twisted part of their brain, they think its ok. :( I am not a hater, I don't hate gay people, I just disagree. They did a survey, and most gay people were abused by their father or mother. I am religious, but seriously! I are generally a happy person! This just rubs me the wrong way.

Thoughts of an Old Guy:

Heterosexuals should not be the only ones who can be trapped in an "until death does you part" scenario. And, frankly, if this is something two consenting adults choose to do and it harms no one else, let them. After all, what they do in the privacy of their own home is a matter of their privacy, no one else's. Just like how what I or anyone else might feel about it matters to know one but the opinion holder, or shouldn't.

See, here's the thing: if you don't pay their mortgage/rent, taxes, utility bills, groceries, health care, auto payment, or any of the other myriad other payments we all have to make just to survive, YOU have no right to an opinion, not one that you can share without sitting down, shutting up, and listening silently to the opinions of everyone else. If you are willing to do that, then by all means speak up. Just wait your turn respectfully, and be respectful when your time comes to share.

Now, for the religious/spiritually minded. What does God tell you about what others do?

Judge not.

Unless you are planning on standing if front of the throne with anyone else on the last day, you have nothing to say about what anyone else does.

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