Robin Zander was born on January 23, 1953.
Robin Zander was born on January 23, 1953.
Robin Zander - album - was created in 1993.
Robin Zander is 64 years old (birthdate: January 23, 1953).
Oh, dude, I mean, I'm not the family tree expert here, but like, last time I checked, Robin Zander's parents were alive. Unless they've suddenly decided to take up residence in the afterlife without telling anyone, I'd say they're probably still kicking it on this mortal coil.
5'9 and 1/2"
Robin has 4 Childs.
Robin Zander sings for cheap trick and is also the rhythm guitarist
Robin Zander is 64 years old (birthdate: January 23, 1953).
There is a current picture of her on Facebook.
Holland Zander is the daughte of Cheap Trick vocalist Robin Zander. She is in her twenties's and definitely has her dad's looks and talent. Best of luck to you Holland.