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Nicotine is very toxic if ingested in large doses. It is NOT a carcinogen.

Nicotine is not classified as a carcinogen.

The first fundamental rule of toxicology is that it's not the toxin, but the dose. Water and oxygen, like all chemicals, are toxic, even lethal, in the appropriate dose. The general consensus is that "40-60 mg (0.5-1.0 mg/kg) of nicotine CAN be a lethal dosage for adult humans" (taken in one dose orally). It is broken down fairly rapidly by the human body, having an elimination half life of 1-2 hours.

The pharmaceutical industry is researching the use of nicotine for pain relief, relief of anxiety and depression, improvement in concentration and performance in those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorders; relief of some of the symptoms of acute schizophrenia; relief of some of the symptoms of Tourette's syndrome; relief of some of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease; and relief of some of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Nicotinic pesticides are approved for organic farming.

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12y ago

pure nicotine is more deadly. only 60 mg pure nicotine is fatal to you. if 100 mg then death for sure...

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Q: Is pure nicotine carcinogenic
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What is the component in tobacco smoke that is considered to be carcinogenic?

Nicotine is the main carcinogenic component in tobacco.

Is Nicotine a pure substance or mixture?

Nicotine is a pure compound.

Can nicoten give you cancer?

Nicotine has been shown in some studies to be 'Carcinogenic'( cancer-causing )!

Does pure nicotine contain carbon monoxide?

No, pure nicotine does not contain carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is produced when tobacco is burned, releasing harmful gases. Pure nicotine itself is a colorless liquid that can be found in tobacco plants.

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Is nicotine a carcinogen?

Nicotine itself is not classified as a carcinogen. However, it is the addictive component of tobacco products that can lead to increased risk of cancer due to the other harmful chemicals present in cigarettes and tobacco smoke.

What are the methods to obtain pure nicotine?

There are several methods to extracting and or obtaining pure nicotine. Many times you can extract the nicotine with normal house hold chenicals and products. Nicotine is a very hazardous material and handling of raw or pure nicotine is very hazardous. Make sure you read all information carefully before trying the extraction.

Does cocaine have nicotine in it?

No, cocaine does not contain nicotine, it is a pure substance. it is very addictive though

Do the e-cigarettes have tobacco juice in them?

No. They contain pure nicotine.

What the three compounds in cigarette smoke?

Carbon monoxide, Tar, and nicotine. There are actually over 2000 additional compouds that are released from burning tobacco most of which are carcinogenic.

Do cigars contain enough nicotine for 2 lethal doses of nicotine if it is injected?

If injected directly into a vein in pure form, absolutely.

What are some facts about nicotine?

1.Pure nicotine is transparent but turns brown on contact with air 2.Tobacco plants produce nicotine to protect themselves against natural enemies in the food chain like grazing animals 3.Innovative companies are producing nicotine water. Bottled water containing nicotine. The safety of the water is not yet proven 4.Three drops of pure nicotine in the palm of a hand can kill a person 5.Cigarette smoking has remained the most popular way of taking in nicotine since the start of the 20th century