There are benefits to using them once the piercing has healed, however a properly sized piercing done with a steel shaft will allow the piercing to heal faster. Keeping the piercing straight during the healing period will allow the piercing to discharge and season up faster, plastics and Teflon tend to allow the tongue to bend them, this can be problematic during the healing period.
Folks also tend to goof around with the piercing where if metal were in place they wouldn't be able to bend the jewellery and further irritate the piercing. Another point to keep in mind is the step down barbell needs to be used after the first two weeks, this should also be metal to allow for the discharging to occur during the last 4 weeks of the initial healing period. Plastics have there place but should only be used after the piercing has gone through the first 6 weeks post piercing with metal shafts.
Plastic will be bitten, played with and bent, the last thing you want is to have a client goofing around with a new piercing and damaging the barbell or biting it off. They don't fool with metal that way because it's impossible to due to the swelling. Once the swelling is eased they will goof around but they know they have metal in the piercing and damage to the teeth is a real ever present danger.
Barbells are made of surgical stainless steel (316 LVM), Titanium, PTFE or Bioplast.
So long as it's FDA approved acrylic or PTFE cord. PTFE is probably the best option.
Some piercings can be done with Bioplast or PTFE, you would be wise to ask your local professional body piercer if they stock or carry either material that would be acceptable for your requested piercing.
Bioplast is a bio compatible plastic developed for the body piercing industry. It is non reactive and designed to be used to conceal body piercings. It is durable but not overly strong and will weaken with excessive changing where thread on balls or jeweled balls are repeatedly changed. Inexpensive for the most part, it's a cost effect alternative to PTFE.
Bioplast or PTFE the size is not one size fits all you need to tailor the piece to the piercing. See your piercer for detailed help.
Medical instruments, medical grade needles engineered for body piercing, medical grade surgical stainless steel, surgical grade titanium, bio-compatible materials like PTFE and Bioplast.
You shouldn't, acrylic can have fissures and cracks that can harbour bacteria. Only proper surgical stainless steel or surgical titanium or Niobium should be used or a Bioplast or PTFE based material that can be autoclaved. Acrylics can not be autoclaved without damaging them.
PTFE stands for: Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene Much better known as Teflon. A PTFE seal is a Teflon seal.
"PTFE" or "Bioplast" are both good materials that are bio-compatable and safe to use during surgery, they will not effect x-ray or cat scan equipment and will not conduct electricity so they are safe for defibrillators.
PTFE tape and Teflon tape are essentially the same thing, as Teflon is a brand name for PTFE. Both tapes are used for sealing pipe threads in plumbing applications. PTFE tape is more commonly used in plumbing due to its higher density and better sealing properties.
Generally how it is done depends on the piercer. Sometimes they will use a clamp and sometimes they will mark out and do the piercing free hand depending on what they are more comfortable with doing. There is a difference between the horizontal tongue piercing and a scoop tongue piercing. Horizontal goes straight through the sides of the tongue and a scoop piercing is more like a typical surface piercing (called a scoop because of the curved barbell used in the procedure) Basically the piercer will mark out the piercing and clamp it (optional) they will then pass the needle through the tongue or into the tongue and back out again in a curved motion for the scoop piercing, after the needle is through the jewelery will be threaded, balls tightened etc, all done. The jewelery that SHOULD be used for both the horizontal and scoop piercings is either a PTFE (a type of plastic) with either metal or PTFE balls. The only other option that will give best results is a Tygon (another type of plastic, generally better for movement but needs replacing regularly) and again either metal or PTFE balls. If the piercer says "YES" to this piercing but offers a STAINLESS STEEL or TITANIUM barbell you should find someone else to do this piercing as it is probable that they have either not done this piercing before and dont have the right skill set and there are a lot of unnecessary complications that can come from metal bars through the tongue ie. speech impediment, difficulties eating, chewing, swallowing etc. There is a lot of factors to consider about this piercing, do not jump into something like this without reading up on it a fair amount first.THIS PIERCING IS A MORE DIFFICULT PIERCING TO PERFORM, PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR PIERCER IS QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED WITH THIS TYPE OF PIERCING.Hi :) sorry but just fort i shud let you know,Mine was marked out && clamped i have a PTFE bar With metal balls. Eating is a aweful. My piercer had never done this piercing before but i totally trusted her && went ahead with it anyway :) if youu really want it GO 4 IT !! x
PTFE is not biodegradable. It can be degraded by pyrolysis or radiation.