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This will be debated for years to come. Thus far, the Supreme Court has ruled against this notion, and is not likely to reverse their decision in the foreseeable future.

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Q: Is prohibiting a felon from owning a gun a violation of his rights?
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Can a felon get his gun rights back in nebraska?

Possible. IF the felony was for violation of a state law. You will need an attorney, and petition for a pardon, with restoration of gun rights.

How can a convicted felon restore their rights to work around firearms?

For a violation of US federal law, the remedy is a presidential pardon.

Can a convicted felon ever have a chance of owning a gun for hunting and protection purposes?

Not until or unless you have petitioned the US attorney to have you rights restored.

Can a felon receive relief to own a firearm?

Depends. Several states have provision for a convicted felon to apply for restoration of firearms rights for a violation of STATE laws. There is an adminstrative block for that action for violation of FEDERAL laws. You WILL need to seek the advice of an attorney licensed in YOUR state.

Can a felon work in a union?

I do not believe there is an criminal law prohibiting it.

Is a felon whose crime is violent prohibited from owning a firearm in California?

All felons in all states are prohibited from owning firearms. It doesn't matter what the crime was. convicted felon = no guns.

Can you get your gun rights back being a felon but not served time?

Depends. Serving time does not matter, the conviction does. If you were convicted of a felony violation of Federal law, there is no realistic way to have firearm rights restored. If you were convicted of a violation of state law, there may be. You will need to consult an attorney- process varies state to state.

Can a felon own a 177 caliber rifle in Michigan?

No. Convicted felons are federally barred from owning or possessing a firearm. You may be eligible for expungement to restore your gun rights but you will need a lawyer.

Can a convicted felon join the NRA?

Yes, there is no law prohibiting who can or can't join the NRA...however, an felon cannot own firearms (under most circumstances).

Laws for ex felon owning a bow?

You can unless the court has imposed some sort of restriction saying otherwise.

Can a convicted felon own nightclub?

You would have to check your state's statutes on this question. There is probably no law prohibiting the felon from OWNING the bar itself (the building or the real estate) but he may be prohibited by law from holding an ABC/Liquor license and/or actually operating the business. The felon may have to hire a licensed manager to operate it for him, if the law allows it.

Is owning handcuffs by a felon illegal in the State of Kansas?

No, although it will cause suspicion.