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Yes, but you may want to speak to your obgyn about the safety of your prescription. They may have to switch you to a different kind. Some women develop temporary Diabetes during pregnancy, called gestational diabetes and when it becomes severe it is treated with medication as well.

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Q: Is pregnant woman allowed to take diabetic medication?
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The pregnant woman should consult her physician for specific advice.

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One should always consult a physician before taking new medication, especially while pregnant.

Can a diabetic pregnant woman eat almonds and pasta?

Yes, just watch your blood glucose levels so they don't spike too high.

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Yes,But can be passed on to your children.

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Deformities are caused in the first few weeks of pregnancy almost before the woman even knows she is pregnant. There are so many things that can cause deformity and flu medication is not among them that I doubt there is a claim.

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Diabetic patients will more than likely have an elevated amount of Glucose in the urine. This is called glycosuria. **Elevated levels of glucose in the urine in a non diabetic pregnant woman MAY be a sign of Gestational Diabetes and should be reported to the treating physician.