Strictly speaking yes, it doesn't matter whether you distribute or not, the flashes still contain intellictual property of the mobile phone manufacturer.
It is illegal. In many places, instead of the flashing red hand, there is a flashing "Don't Walk" sign, specifically for the purpose of re-enforcing that a pedestrian may not cross the flashing red light. There is a pedestrian symbol for a reason.
no! yes. Phone sex with minors is illegal. Unsolicited phone sex is illegal. Phone sex where there are two consenting adults is not illegal.
Unlocking usually refers to a GSM network and flashing usually refers to CDMA networks. When you unlock a phone you can use it on any carrier that uses the same radio (GSM/CDMA), or if you have a world phone, either a GSM or CDMA. Flashing the phone just allows you to use one specific CDMA carrier.
Not at all. It is perfectly legal for girls, and women, to wear flashing lights if they choose to do so. The same applies to males, there are simply no restrictions on the wearing of flashing lights.
no of course not
Harrassment by phone is illegal, so yes, it is illegal.
In and of itself, it is not illegal to fire someone over the phone.
No, I don't think so
you can do by re-flashing your OS
yes flashing cellphones is like example if you have sprint you can change your company to cricket with having the same phone
I believe there is a method of flashing a phone to any service, try looking for an Asian guy for this -o-
A red flashing light on a Droid usually means that your phone has 15% or less battery left and is about to die!