subject to opinion but should never be done by mortals
Pierce Brosnan has 5 children
You should never miss an opportunity to expostulate your opinion.
No- he was never divorced.
Pierce Green and Associates, also known as PGA, have several complaints from people claiming they won and never received financial compensation.
Some people think so and others don't. It's all a matter of opinion.
I've never heard of him - so I have no opinion !
Attending mass is an action, not an opinion.However, theological opinion can dictate that someone should attend mass.Fasting is also an action, not an opinion, and need not even involve religion at all.However, theological opinion can dictate that someone should fast.Free will is sometimes a theological opinion, but not necessarily so.That people have free will is a fact, regardless of religion.Limbo is certainly a theological opinion, as its existence has never been proven, nor is it accepted by all Christians.
Tomorrow Never Dies-TWFilm to DVD
What you need to know is that you should never pierce yourself unless you are a professional piercer. You can get very very sick and die from infections. Read the article below.
NEVER pierce a dog's ear.
An opinion is NEVER an evaluation.