pcp is a liquid. and its not candy. you dont drink it. u dip half a cigarette in pcp. and smoke the cigarette when it dries
Oh yea tottaly bro
Candy is food, but it is not very nutritious.
no its just candy and food coloring
A candy bar belongs in the fats, oils and sweets food group.
A elves favorite food is candy, cand canes , candy corns and they really really love non-pareils. You can find them almost anywhere.
Pure PCP contains only PCP (phencylidine).
Candy doesn't give off food coloring...... YOU ADD IT.........
sugar + food factory = candy
PCP is not administrated
pcp is a tranqulizer
Yes, it's both because it can be a treat (candy) and it can be food (sweet potatoes). All candy is food. Take this for example. A butterfinger is food because it has flavor and it can take up space in your stomach.
No, a candy bar is still considered a type of food.