Generally it would be considered an insult, saying that you are "showy."
The opposite of an insult is a compliment.
A backhanded compliment is an insult disguised as a compliment, or a compliment which can be interpreted as an insult.
Disguise an insult as a compliment
A backward compliment comments on a person's fault in the tones and form of a compliment. It isn't really.
A compliment
Well Unthinkable is kinda a compliment but not that much it is kind if like an insult
It might sound like an insult.............
You are sneaky and deceptive. Its an insult not a compliment.
Flattery means to compliment. The statement is not intended to compliment, thus likely the opposite (an insult).
insult The above answer is WRONG! An insult is an antonym for a COMPLIMENT, but not a complement. Detract or clash are two possible antonyms.