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Meth decreases appetite and increases metabolism, so it will help with weight loss. Prescription meth is actually used for weight loss in extreme cases. However, if you want to lose weight, better ways exist than using meth.

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Q: Is one of the side effects of crystal meth weight loss?
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What are the effects of meth on the body?

major weight loss, and constantly being fast paced.

What is the effect on crystals?

the effects on crystal meth is Euporis, increased energy, alertnes, diarrhea, nausea, excessive sweating, loss of appetite, insominia, tremors, and jaw-clenching. crystal meth will change your life completely. - chyna Williams

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How bad is crystal addiction?

The highly addictive crystal meth triggers severe heath conditions, such as memory loss.

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Crystal meth

What are the negative effects with people who use cyrstal meth?

1. Severe, rapid weight loss. 2. Paranoia and hallucinations 3. Brain damage 4. Accelerates tooth decay and tooth loss (known as "meth mouth") 5. Highly addictive

Are the Effects of Crystal Meth Reversible?

Depends on the amount used and frequency of use. It also depends on the effects of meth. If someone smoked meth and did not take care of their oral hygiene, the damage to their teeth is not reversible. Any brain damage that occurred due to excessive meth use is likely to be repaired, but it is not certain whether this would be completely reverisble or not (it would likely depend on the amount + frequency of use). Weight loss and skin problems will likely gradually improve once meth use is ceased. Resultant psychological issues will likely get better the longer that the person is abstinent from meth use.

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Does crystal meth kill your muscle?

An odd questions since Crystal Meth promotes physical activity yet causes loss of appetite which will malnourish your muscles. Being a doctor i would say that prolonged use of Crystal Meth will cause your strength to deteriorate due to malnourishment and lack of rest.

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Does crystal meth have any good effects?

Meth can be beneficial if less than 125mg is taken. It coats your brain with a protective coating and help you concentrate.