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No. Neither Jamie, or Bobby Deen is gay.

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Q: Is one of Paula Deen's sons gay?
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Who is the third grandchild on paula deens lap on her magazine cover?

Paula Deen has three grandchildren: Matthew Deen, Jack Deen, and the littlest one, Henry Reed.

Was one of john waynes sons gay?

There is no indication that any of John Wayne's children were homosexual.

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Mitchell Solarek is not gay. He has at least one daughter and two sons. His wife's name is Troy and they appear to have been married for many years.

How many grandchildren does Paula Deen have?

Two...Jack and Matthew..both sons of Jamie and Brooke Deen

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Lauri is very mysterious about this topic, he will never tell. He has a son with Paula, but it's not certain if they are, or are not together at this moment.

Over protective mothers make sons gay?

No. Experience doesn't affect sexual orientation. There may be many charges which can be laid against over-protective mothers - such as inhibiting the child's sense of adventure, or restricting their circle of friends, etc. - but 'making' their sons gay is not one of them.

Where can you find the song Bobby is the One by Paul and Paula?

The song Bobby is the one by Paula and Paula is from the album Hey Paula. It can be found on CD at most record stores.

How many of TD Jakes step sons are gay?

One of his step sons is openly gay. I don't know his name it's either jamar or jermaine, but he is the short dark skinned one.

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Family Album

What relation is Paula to her mother's mother's only daughter?

If Paula's mother's mother had only one daughter, that is the same as saying that Paula's grandmother had only one daughter. Therefore Paula is the daughter of the only one daughter that her grandmother had.

What nicknames does Paula Joy go by?

Paula Joy goes by Shorty, and Little One.