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No, not exercising is equal to... not exercising. A pack of cigarettes per day will cause far more harm than not doing anything for a day. You can't get lung/throat cancer, bronchitis, and whatever else is associated with smoking if you don't exercise. I'm curious, who/what told you this "fact"?

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Q: Is not exercising equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes per day?
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Which is better smoking one pack of cigarettes a day or one black and mild cigar?

Assuming you do not inhale the Black and Mild, one cigarillo per day would be much better for you than smoking a pack of cigarettes. (And cheaper)

Is Smoking less than ten cigarettes a day harmful to health?

Any amount of smoking is harmful to your health. Ten cigarettes a day is most likely not as harmful as smoking, say, a pack a day. But it's still FAR worse than not smoking at all. Furthermore, since there have been few studies when it comes to light smoking, it is difficult to say how the dangers of smoking, say, 10 cigarettes a day compares to smoking a pack a day.

How long do you decrease your life by smoking a pack of cigarettes?

Zero, plus or minus a few nanoseconds.

How do you prevent teen smoking?

Force a teen to smoke a whole pack of cigarettes in an hour. That should do the trick.

What is the penalty for minor caught smoking cigarettes in nebraska?

they make you smoke the whole pack in one go.

Is smoking one half of one pack of cigarettes a day considered being a chronic smoker?


What will be more risky - smoking a pack of cigarettes a day or do one bungee jump a day?

bungee jumping

How many minutes does a pack of cigarettes take off your life How much does one pack of cigarettes take away from life expectancy.?

On average, smoking one pack of cigarettes a day can take about 5-7 minutes off your life expectancy. Over a longer period, this can significantly reduce your overall life expectancy. Quitting smoking can help reverse some of these negative effects and improve your health.

How much 1 pack of cigarettes cost in 1966?

I had not started smoking yet, started in 1979 after I graduated HS, and I was working at a Gas Station, I think Cigarettes were about $1.50 - $2.00 / pack for Marlboro. When I paid $3.00 a pack I quit that was about 10 years ago. Hope everyone quits.. Why give all that money to greedy government or to the cigarette companies. Not to mention your own health care issues involved. I started smoking in 1977 and cigarettes were .50 cents per pack on the Air force base. Off base they were .65 cents.

How much cigarettes does an average smoker smoke?

A pack a day smoker smokes 20 cigarettes x 365 days in a year, or 7300 Cigarettes. Half a pack a day, 3650 5 Cigarettes a day, 1825. One cigarette has between 1 and 1.5 mg of nicotine.

What are the chances of becoming severely injured by lung cancer mouth cancer etc by smoking a single pack of cigarettes and then stopping?

Very low, however cigarettes are addictive and it is likely that those wont be the last.