Early pregnancy is one of those times when the 2 hormones namely Mrs Oestrogen and Mrs Prostegen are at their craziest and levels don't know which way to go. Sleepless nights are indeed a sign of pregnancy in women that suspect that they could be pregnant. Depends on other symptoms that can also be associated with pregnancy ie. nausea, tiredness, mood swings, tender breasts, excessive gas, bloatedness. Either that or it's just a bad case of insomnia.
No. You may have insomnia AND be pregnant, but there are so many causes of insomnia that it is not a sign of pregnancy.
Yes, many people are able to sleep peacefully in their beds at night, feeling safe and comfortable.
Insomnia is the lack of sleep. Not being able to sleep.
sleep deprivation is one way to put it, which means being deprived of sleep (prevented from sleeping) in one way or another. Insomnia is the condition of not being able to sleep.
Honestly, it has a lot to do with how well you sleep. Some people can get well rested sleep and they only have to sleep for five hours a night. You should Google how to get a more rested sleep and there are things you can eat before bed to help you
mam ! i think your question is "how can we make children sleep at night " the answer is before they sleep after two hours they should see tv atless 1 hour , if the child sleeps inn his own room let the light open than after h sleeps close the light than he will be able to sleep at night
Another phrase for time to sleep is bedtime. Night Night, Sleepytime, Dreamtime are all different ways to say Time To Sleep.
night sight
By getting enough sleep the night before and setting your alarm clock.
Not enough sleep
A teenager needs 8 1/2 to 9 hours sleep a night to be able to function at their peak so they should go to sleep at a time that allows them to get that much sleep.
Nothing You Just Want Be Able Too Sleep Much AS You Would Like