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Well niacin is always dangerous in large amounts. It does damage to the liver (don't quote me) at over 2000 mg concentrations. How much I'm not sure. You may be drinking large amounts of water as well, and this puts the added strain on your kidneys as well. It's a matter of risk vs benefit. You should be alright. Just take 1200 mg around an hour and a half or two hours before and then another 600 to 800 right up till the time 2 hours or less. Smoking cigarettes helps with flush niacin. I like the security of knowing its working myself. But I'm off paper now, 12 years on, yehaa. Best of luck!

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Q: Is non flush niacin dangerous to use?
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Will niacin tablets work for sure?

Short answer is no. Niacin will not work for sure, however THC stores in your fat, so if you flush your metabolism, you can use niacin to aid this process, you will pass. I suggest, you exercise, drink a lot of caffeine, take B12, Niacin and caffeine supplements. Or pay someone else for a urine sample.

Can a 144 pound female detox marijuana within three weeks?

yes, It should be easier for you than a larger person because THC sticks to the fat cells. Use Niacin (NON-flush free, be sure it isn't flush free cuz that defeats the purpose.) just take the niacin and drink a lot of water. You could smoke up to a week before your test and still be 100% clean. but i don't recomend that because when i did that i took 14 niacin pills and my skin turned red like a sunburn for a couple hours. but it works.

Does regular niacin flush THC from your system?

Yes, but the amount you should use depends on how much you weigh, and how much THC you have in your system.

If you start taking niacin 5 days before your test and drink water the night before can you pass your urine test?

Quote from the Related Link: "Drug-users have long advocated the use of the B vitamin Niacin to help "flush" out drugs in order to pass a drug test. As it turns out, this is not only useless, but it may put you in the hospital.Niacin is also known as vitamin B3. This vitamin aidsin digestion, hormone production, skin health, and nervous system maintenance ( Niacin has a role in fat metabolism and doctors often prescribe niacin in large doses to patients with high cholesterol and triglycerides. Using this same idea, many drug users believe that niacin can also cleanse or "flush" the body of illicit drugs, especially marijuana.However, this wide held belief in this "Niacin regimen" are not only incorrect, but can be very dangerous. Niacin has not been found to remove drugs from the body. Even so, many people use this niacin regimen, and it lands some in the emergency room.Dr. Manoj K. Mittal, of a Philadelphia hospital reports that four patients presented to the E.R. due to adverse Niacin reactions. Two of the four Philadelphia patients exhibited nausea, rapid heartbeat and heart palpitations, dizziness, dehydration, low blood sugar, blood-clotting abnormalities, liver toxicity, and a dangerous drop in blood pH ( One seventeen-year-old girl was brought to the E.R. in a coma as a result of too much niacin.These patients tested positive for marijuana in a urine test conducted at the hospital. So obviously, the niacin did not "flush" the drug away.The negative effects of too much niacin usually are reversed with time. In severe cases, though, the overdose of niacin can lead to acute liver failure ("

Can niacin cleanse your system of weed?

Drink a lot of water morning of. Take niacin following directions on bottle. too much then skin feels like a sunburn. Niacin and a lot of water (32oz) with a small amount of apple cider vinegar. Then drink a coke for impurities. These are 2 different methods mixed. Some say just the apple cider vinegar alone. The full treatment has worked for me many times. Unless it goes to a lab. Then S.O.L from my experience. GOOD LUCK

The use of inhalants is not considered dangerous.?

The inappropriate, non-medical use of inhalants is very dangerous and should be avoided.

How much niacin should you use to help remove marijuana from your system?

While niacin has been rumored to help flush marijuana out of the system, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. It is important to avoid using excessive niacin, as it can cause harmful side effects such as liver damage. The most effective way to remove marijuana from your system is to allow time for it to naturally metabolize and leave your body.

How much niacin does one take to flush xanax out of the body?

Niacin opens very wide every blood vessel in your body (even the capillaries which are the smallest blood vessels) ... and when this happens your blood begins to flow alot more quickly and as this happens your blood is carrying at 2-3 times the normal rate toxins out of your system and out of your organs, your blood is also supplying oxygen and other vital nutrients to your body more rapidly ... it rapidly increases the metabolism rate of anything in your body, ... for example, .... food, drugs, etc .... niacin helps to quickly rid your body of harmful toxins that are in most medications and drugs ... But only Niacin does this ,,, whatever niacin your body does not use, will metabolize into niacinamide which has different functions aside from niacin, which is usually calming affects .... So if you want to warm up and get cleansed and oxygenated, ... use plain niacin "not flush free niacin" and let it have its course .... Niacin is prescribed by doctors and has been since 1950's .... it is a very highly effective vitamin (which in large amounts acts even more effectively than most medicines for these purposes) ... try it and see for yourself .... any amount of 50mg at a time will produce a flushing warm effect ... but do not worry, this is normal as your capillaries are opening 2-3 times the normal diameter ... so take your niacin and let it have its course

Does niacin show up on drug test?

Some drug analysis tests can detect the use of niacin to cleanse the system. It's not necessarily that the screen shows niacin, but that the test detected other factors that may suggest the use of niacin.

Can you take coumadin with niacin?

Niacin and Coumadin (Warfarin) are compatible, but their use together should be monitored by your doctor. Niacin has minor anticoagulant effects and its use, even without Coumadin, requires doctor supervision if used to affect blood lipids. Niacin can have liver toxicity if taken in high amounts. This is especially true of extended-release or sustained-release niacin. Immediate-release niacin (regular niacin, without any delaying aspect) has the least liver problems associated with it.

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