Not necessarily. Some people have irregular periods and can miss them for this long. Stress can be a contributing factor among many others.
the birth control is probably it.
I wouldnt say irreuglar periods are a sign of pregnancy its usually actually missing a period for about 2 , 3 or even 4 times(months) in a row. Irregualr periods mean that your body is just developing differently. I reccomend Yaz birth control pills , they regualate ur periods very well.
a trimester is 3 months of your pregnancy. there are 3 trimesters in a pregnancy. 1-3 months, 4-6 months, and 7-9 months.
As in bleeding all the time for 3 months? You need to go and see the doctor. If you mean that you had your periods for 3 months (ie as normal, not lasting for 3 months) and then they didn't arrive on the fourth month, it depends on a few things: . Were those three months your first periods? . Have you had sex? . Is it a combination of both? If they were your first periods and you have NOT had sex, it is not anything to worry about. Periods take about a year (sometimes longer) to regulate If you have had sex, you need to take a pregnancy test If these were not your first three periods, take a pregnancy test if you've had sex and if not, see if you get your next period, and if not, go and see the doctor
That she should go to the doctor and get a pregnancy test.
9 months of snow and 3 months of bad skiing
yes it is , you will get bad relationships for 3 months
it depends how bad is it. If not that bad propbably 2-3 months