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discontinued in march 2013

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Q: Is miller chill discontinued
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Related questions

What is the alcohol content in miller chill?

Miller chill has a nominal abv of 4/2% - equivalent to a typical British Mild.

Can you get lime beer in a can?

Yes. Bud Light Lime and Miller Chill are both available in canned form.

What are some good examples of discontinued perfumes?

There are a wide variety of discontinued perfumes from many brands and makers. Some examples of discontinued perfumes are: Original Big Nicole Miller Women; Vice Versa perfume, by YSL; Bora Bora Eau De Perfume spray; Calvinklein, Calvinklein One; and Gucci No. 3 Perfume by Gucci.

When is miller chill coming to Canada?

Bud light lime was released in Canada earlier this month. It has become such a hit that its so hard for Budweiser Canada to keep up with the demand. I hope this sends a msg to millers co. to get their asses on track and provide us with Miller chills and while at it Miller lite..... time to start a petition....

What is a sentence for chill?

I like to chill out in my room and listen to music after a long day.

Which is correct A number was discontinued or A number were discontinued?

a number was discontinued numbers were discontinued was is 1 were is 2+



How do you use the word chill in a sentence?

There was a chill in the fall air. His presence put a chill on the party.

Alcholic drink that starts with M?

There are so many alcoholic drinks that starts with the letter M. Some of them include Malibu, Margaritas, Martini, Moosehead, Miller Chill and so many more.

What is chill in Tagalog?

"Chill" in Tagalog can be translated as "relaks" or "kalmado."

What is example of chill?

chill means to relax.

How can I find Nicole Miller's Silver Rush bath accessories when I know the pattern was discontinued but am sure there must be some pieces somewhere?

Check Homegoods....I found several pieces at the ones in Oregon.