yes matric is equal to olevels !
But its an advance degree ! A powerful degree..
Which makes your future .
What is post matric IT qualification?
3x0 is eqaul to nothing because anything times o is always o so maybe the equal number is always going to be o
Yes 100cg does equal to 1g
It is second division. Second division starts from 45 % marks.
Matric is probably better than o levels if you option for pre-medical and if you have to stay in Pakistan, but if you have plans for going abroad then you should go with o levels.
Ladies and Gentle men as you asked disadvantages of matric , there are no disadvantage but this is quite much advantages than o levels. THANKS for your corporations my brother Ibrahim's shahid scored 23 a in his o levels an scored world record but again i prefer matric.
Assalam O Alaikum
yes ..
u can apply after matric or A levels
what are o levels?
What is post matric IT qualification?
tamoor ul hassan s/o bashir hussain
What is post matric IT qualification?
'O levels were superseded in UK schools about 20 years ago. The 'O' stood for 'ordinary'. 'A' levels (advanced levels) are still in use.
matric result