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yes coz both have almost similar culture,similar languages and both are brahmins too

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Q: Is marriage between mathil brahmin and kanyakubj brahmin is possible?
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Is marriage between brahmin dhyani gotra and brahmin bhardwaj gotra possible?

Yes, As long as your gotras are different marriage is possible according to Hindu law. But you must acquire the permission of both groom and brides parents.

Can a rudraj brahmin girl be married to a brahmin boy?

Yes can marry. But girl can't marry any Kulin Brahmin boy due to the difference in civilization, religion. The enmity between rudraj brahmin and Kulin Brahmin developed at the time of King Ballal Sena of bengal. And also because Kulin are ethnically not Bengali ,they are from Kannauj(UP) and their real name is Kanyakubj Brahmins

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yes they can Marry. because only in same Gotra is probhited and only for 7pedhies (ansestrals) or if the shasan is different they can marray in same gotras also.

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YES.Why not?When we asks question on web.Why we bind us in rigen,Mithili brahmins are also brahmin.

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yes they can iif they want

Can Hindu brahmin girl marry a bengali brahmin boy?

Well, honey, in Hinduism, marriage between different castes is generally frowned upon, but it's not like there's a rulebook floating around. It really depends on the families involved and their beliefs. So, technically, a Hindu Brahmin girl can marry a Bengali Brahmin boy if everyone's on board, but be prepared for some raised eyebrows and gossip at family gatherings.

Are rudraj brahmin is higher than kulin brahmin?

Both Rudraj Brahmins and Kulin Brahmins are considered prestigious Brahmin subcastes in India. The hierarchy between the two can vary depending on regional and cultural differences. However, there is no clear consensus on which is considered higher.

Can brahmbatt brahmin girl marry with sarjupari brahmin boy?

No. Technically they cannot. Brahmbhatt is not really considered Brahmin but a intercaste production between Brahmin and Kshatriya. Most in the Brahmin community do not consider them Brahmins even.

My mom a brahmin and my dad a pillai i am in love with a brahmin girl and the girl's father is rejecting me becoz i am not a brahmin can i have a brahmin style marriage without a poonal?

Hey....Just Lemme Know Whatz the use of poonal....Just poonal is a thread . who are all wearing , they should renounce the world as Budda / Sankara until there is no significance of it... let your girl's father renounce the world.... All the best....

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