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Q: Is marijuana ilegal
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What would happen if you were caught with marijuana?

You get arrested for possesing a ilegal substance

Is weed leigal in the USA?

Weed, meth, and anything else related to Marijuana IS ILEGAL IN THE US, DONT DO DRUGS FOOL, DRUGS ARE BAD FOR YOU!

When was TV Ilegal created?

TV Ilegal was created in 2006.

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NO! Grooveshark is NOT ilegal. It is very legal!

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The duration of TV Ilegal is 3600.0 seconds.

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TV Ilegal ended on 2009-05-13.

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Why is marijuana ilegal?

because people abuse it and use it to cause a 'high'. therefor, it became illegal. but if people would of keep it on the down low, it wouldn't be illegal right now. i say legalize it already. its a natural herb.

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It is ilegal