hello check this out, im a person who has ADHD but im also a marijuana smoker, when i first started taking medicine for my ADHD they always made me feel like a zombie, like i was dead to the world, my appetite was extremely poor i think i must've weighed about 50 lbs when i was eight i was skinny. And that continued till i turned 14 i was still getting my prescription but i stopped taking them instead i started smoking marijuana and believe me and my family that changed me completely. it made me feel better it definently helped my appetite and even in school it helps me concentrate better on my work because marijuana actually focuses your thoughts on what ever your doing at the time. For me it blocks out all the distractions around me because it helps me not worry about them. So all in all i believe marijuana is really good for people with ADHD. Atleast you don't have to worry about overdosing on marijuana like you do on prescription drugs.
The effects of marijuana in the ADHD population has not been fulled studied or determined. However, other clinical studies provide evidence that marijuana increases memory-related loss which could worsen existing ADHD symptoms. On the contrary, in some cases doctors have prescribed marijuana (where legal) for ADHD.
Is it bad for people in this world to smoke marijuana.
No, they can't.
There is a little evidence suggesting medical marijuana might help ADHD, but it is still considered far outside the realm of mainstream behavior/stimulant treatment.
In terms of making a person functional with ADHD, marijuana shows no evidence and has numerous evidence to the contrary. Marijuana can increase the odds of psychosis, schizophrenina-related disorders, and induce apathy and memory loss. It may indirectly treat hyperactivity by increasing apathy, but in no ways does this treat ADHD.
nothin YES! Weed timmmme, ty bro.
One might argue that smoking marijuana is bad for your lungs, since smoking anything is bad for your lungs. As for marijuana specifically, there is no scientific evidence that using the drug is bad for one's health.
If you are taking ADHD pills and you do not have ADHD, and were not prescribed that medicine, then it is not only for one illegal, but it is also bad for you, it will affect your body in a different way than people with adhd, because the adhd medicines target their brain and temporarily fixes the negative symptoms of adhd by altering the brain chemicals. If you do not have the same brain chemicals, then the medicine will have different effects on your body, so yes it may very well be bad for your health.
No. Only cancer.
ADHD pill. any kind. just one though.
Because then you can be sure he really has ADHD. And you want to know what caused the child's ADHD, it could be bad diet, bad parents or something else.
No it's not.