According to the United States of America, it is considered an illegal narcotic.
(Opinion, read with discretion!)
If you're a moderately intelligent person, you might notice how it has nowhere near as many side effect as the other 'narcotics' and given that it's a plant that has far more beneficial uses than detrimental. I'd hardly say that it has any stand against alchohol or cocaine, one being legal.
cannabis its marijuana
Marijuana is the dried leaves and female flowers of the hemp plant, (cannabis), that can be used in cigarette form as a narcotic or hallucinogen.
The word 'assassin' comes from the Arabic word 'hashish,' which is what almost everyone outside of the US calls the narcotic, marijuana.
Depends on how you define it. Originally, a narcotic was any drug that made you sleepy. Today, medical professionals usually consider opioids such as Heroin and Codeine and Morphine to be narcotics. However, the US government considers any illegal drug to be a narcotic.
Narcotic drugs range from prescription medications, to illegal street drugs. Narcotic drugs include codeine, marijuana, morphine, heroine, and amphetamine.
which of the following is a narcotic marijuana heroin cocaine
The word narcotic, usually refers to derivatives of the opium plant, but common usage has come to include any drug that affects the brain in a similar way or is illegal.
Theft, Breaking and entering, and possesion of a schedule 1 narcotic. FELONY X3
No. Marijuana is pharmacologically distinct from the family of opium derivatives and synthetic narcotics. It is not addictive, however, some might feel a mild anxiety withdrawal but any personality or anxiety condition or change has to be present before marijuana is even used. Marijuana does not cause the anxiety, it might exacerbate it but any anxiety is caused by a diagnosed or undiagnosed previous anxiety disorder. It isn't a narcotic. It is a hallucinogen like mescaline and psilocybin. Narcotic are like morphine, codeine and oxycodone which kill pain.
Cocaine is a stimulant. Heroin is an opioid narcotic and painkiller. Marijuana does a little bit of everything, but it is classified as a hallucinogen even though most who use it do not hallucinate.
No. Cannabis refers to the same plant as marijuana. There are several active chemicals in the marijuana plant, none of which have an amphetamine-like structure or activity. Amphetamines belong to a class of chemicals called Stimulants.