Madeline Duggan is currently dating - Charlie Roberts.and has been for over 2 years now.
No, Madeline Duggan is not dating Thomas Law in real life.
Madeline Duggan and Thomas Law are not dating, as of July 2014. They did date on the television show, EastEnders.
Yes they are and they have been dating for years now.
Madeline Duggan's birth name is Madeline Elizabeth Duggan.
2010 December maddeline duggen is dating jamie borthwick she is pregnant and he is the father of the child
Madeline Duggan goes by Maddie.
Madeline Duggan was born on June 28, 1994.
Madeline Duggan was born on June 28, 1994.
As of July 2014, Madeline Duggan and Thomas Law are not dating in real life. They are both actors that appeared on EastEnders.
well... they were but now they have stopped cos remember when he dumped him on eastenders and they havnt been dating since!
Madeline Duggan is 23 years old (birthdate: June 28, 1994).