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It depends on how they do it. Rarely do lesbians have penises, because to be lesbian you have to be female. Sometimes they have sex with dildos, but no it is not exactly the same.

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Q: Is lesbian sex the same to normal sex?
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You can get intimate with a lesbian the same way you would with a member of the opposite sex. You can start out by kissing and caressing.

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Ms. Roberts, a lesbian, supports the legalization of same-sex marriage.

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If you are a lesbian and don't want to have sex with girls that's fine perhaps your not ready for a sexual relationship. That's all it means is that your lesbian but just don't want to have sex.

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A "dyke" is a derogatory slang to refer to a homosexual women. However, this term has been accepted by many lesbian people themselves. The term "lesbian" is the accepted equivalent of "gay" in males. In both cases, they refer to a predominant or exclusive attraction for people of the same sex i.e. the woman is attracted to women.

What is it like to be in a relationship with a Lesbian?

Its the same as any other relationship. The only difference is the sex of the people. Im in a lesbian relationship, its awesome =o)

What should you do to became a lesbian?

You dont just become a lesbian. Maybe you are just curious about what it is like to be with a same sex partner. Which is completely different.