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If you replace a sugary or high calorie drink with lemon water, that is a good step to help you lose weight, but you won't get any result if that's all you do.

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Q: Is lemon good in water for losing weight?
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What is a good sentence with losing?

You're losing me, here. I'm steadily losing weight!

How does lemon and water affect a person?

Lemon flavor (and citric acid) can help take the edge off of hunger... so if you're watching your weight, it's a good idea to put lemon in your water - you will eat less and feel full sooner.

Why are you not losing much weight?

Your body has stabilised at a healthy weight. This is a good thing.

Can losing weight affect your stomach looks?

It sure can. Drinking lots of water to keep it full can help some though.

Are tomotoe's good for you when losing weight?

Yes, tomatoes are ever so good!

Are peas good for losing weight?

No peas are not good to eat to help you lose weight as they are too high in carbohydrates.

What are some good weight losing exercises?

Running and swimming.

If you have troubles losing weight what do you do and if its causing you pain in your body from being to overweight?

Drink plenty of water, exersize and eat low calorie foods. Dont go on weight losspills they are not good for you

Where can I find info on lemon water diet online?

you can find info on the lemon water diet at alternatively, try good luck!

Healthy foods for losing weight?

Good diet to help you lose weight in short time

Does lemon and Warm water With honey help in reducing weight?

A slice of lemon or a little lemon juice in your glass of water is a very good natural diuretic. The honey ---- only slightly better then eating a few teaspoons of sugar. The best diet is a no-white diet - no sugar, no flour, no white rice or potatoes.

What is good about losing weight?

you gain confidence. Your much skinnier. and you can get Laid.