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No. Generally the person that is lazy could be depressed or have a medical problem and don't know it. Most people can get into their lazy modes but most of us keep putting one foot in front of the other, while some just loaf around and just don't have that energy. Anyone who appears lazy should have a complete physical because it could be their thyroid, adrenal gland, etc. Yes, depending on the situation. for example: If a couple of your friends want to go to a concert with you but you say no because you're just lazy and don't feel like going, then yeah it's rather selfish. Unless you have some kind of medical problem that you can use as an excuse, but I highly doubt it. I, being a lazy person myself, probably know more then anyone how selfish being lazy is. Not only do you exclude yourself from fun activities but you also leave your friends disappointed and sometimes angry at your laziness.

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10mo ago

Laziness is not necessarily considered a type of selfishness. Laziness typically reflects a lack of motivation or energy to complete tasks, whereas selfishness is related to a focus on one's own needs and wants at the expense of others. While laziness can sometimes lead to behaviors that can be perceived as selfish, they are not inherently the same.

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