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L Drago of course because even though Pegasis has strong attack power it can not spin for a long time

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Q: Is l drago better than pegasus?
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Who is better galaxy pegasus or lightning l drago?

Galaxy Pegasus

Should you get l-drago or storm pegasus?

L-Drago because it has better attacks then storm pegasus.This is true.

Is lightning l drago gold better than lightning l drago?

lightning l drago is better

Is cyber pegasus a good Beyblade?

I think cyber pegasus is stronger than lightning l drago because cyber pegasus has the perfect attack and defensive skills and lightning l drago has only power and attack.

Who is better meteo l drago or galaxy pegasus?

It ultimately depends on personal preference and play style. Meteo L-Drago is known for its stamina and defense, while Galaxy Pegasus is known for its attack power and speed. Both Beyblades have their strengths and weaknesses, so it's best to choose the one that aligns with your desired gameplay strategy.

Did L Drago kill storm pegasus?

im not really sure because in metal fusion when l-drago clided with pegasus i think it turned out as a tie......

Which is better lightning l drago or meteor l drago?

Lightning l drago because of the 3 dragon things on it clear wheel and the 3 metal thing on its wheel,so it deals a barrage of attacks to its opponent like lousy old storm pegasus.

Is l drago destroy better than big bang pegasus?

In my opinion I think that big bang pegasus is better because the attacks are powerfull and F:D is just awesome! Anyways if you want to see who is better go to YouTube and watch a video of them battling hope that helps!

What happend to Pegasus in the last episode of Beyblade?

After battling L-Drago, Pegasus had won. But for some mysterious reason, Pegasus had dissapeared. Why? That's because in the final battle against L-Drago, Pegasus had used up all it's energy it desired. That means that Pegasus had to return to it's home.

What is the best Beyblade toy?

honestly i say storm pegasus or l drago for some reason l drago falls apart so storm pegasus as well , note I'm not counting those huge sound and light up beyblades I'm talkking about the small regular ones like storm pegasus

Which is better lightning l drago or dark gasher?

lightning l drago is better

Which Beyblade can defeat storm pegasus?

No Beyblade can defeat Storm Pegasis including Dark nebula and L-drago