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Not if he kissed you without your consent. If you're on a date with another guy then of course you are cheating. If you want to be faithful, don't put yourself in a position where things could go wrong.

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1mo ago

Cheating is subjective and depends on the boundaries and agreements within your relationship. Some partners may consider kissing another person as cheating, while others may not. It's important to have open and honest communication with your partner to determine what is considered as cheating in your relationship.

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Q: Is kissing another guy cheating
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Is dating a guy and kissing another guy bad?

I would say that if you date one guy, and kiss another, that would be cheating. And cheating is bad.

Do women consider it cheating if they kiss another guy?

Yes if you have intimate contact with a member of the opposite sex for reasons other than, a hello or goodbye, then kissing is cheating.

Can you close your mouth when you kiss guy?

No, your not kissing if you do that. It's cheating

Is it cheating if you kiss another guy on the cheek?

Cheating is subjective and depends on the boundaries set by you and your partner. Some may consider kissing another person, even on the cheek, as a breach of trust and fidelity. It's important to communicate with your partner about what is acceptable behavior in your relationship.

Is kissing another person called cheating if your in a relationship?

it depends are you going out with the person you kissed.if you are then you are cheating on your boyfriend/girlfriend.

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Sorry but no

Is kissing considerd cheating?


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She looks more at the guy than you. Check her phone.

Is kissing cheating?

Yes it is if you are not going out or married to them and you are to someone else. ANSWER: Okay this is what we all need to realize, it will not be right if we say no its not cheating, or it is cheating. Details is a must, maybe this person is wondering if kissing another girl or a boy is cheating because he or she has a partner. And there's also family, we always kiss our parents, kids and once in a while our best friend. So this is the only thing I can say without making myself look silly because I don't know who you are kissing..

Is it cheating when you kiss another guy in the cheek?

ANSWER: It depends on intent but I don't think so. If you gave a kiss to another man who could be your friend, is like kissing your father, brother or maybe your male cousin. So don't worry bout it, okay?

Can a girl cheat a boyfriend if she stayed overnight with another guy?

It means cheating

Is it cheating if you have a crush?

No, If Your Dating Somebody And Have A Crush On Someone Else Its Not Cheating If Your Kissing Them Or Dating Them At the Same Time That Is Cheating.