She is 16 years old. And do you want to know what her last name? It's Costonis.
KC Concepcion was born Maria Kristina Cassandra Cuneta Concepcion on April 7, 1985. She is not dating Richard Gutierrez. Paulo Avelino and KC Concepcion have been having a distance relationship.
No, he isn't. They aren't homosexuals.
Dear Sam, Can I join you and the othersiders From,Jack
The cast of The Othersiders - 2009 includes: Kc as Herself - Case Manager Riley Litman as Himself - Lead Investigator Derek Shetterly
They said it is just a rumor and that they are just friends!!
KC from The Othersider's last name is Costonis.
NORiley had a girlfriend for a really long time but she lives on the East Coast now.According to him on twitter, he does not have a girlfriend, KC included, and didn't say he ever had a girlfriend.
yes she has a step brother Zack Burke who is also on the show the othersiders
Riley's full name is Riley Litman. You can see for yourself and find out the others at !! You are welcome!!!
I don't think Riley is dating anyone at the moment.
KC Concepcion was born Maria Kristina Cassandra Cuneta Concepcion on April 7, 1985. She is not dating Richard Gutierrez. Paulo Avelino and KC Concepcion have been having a distance relationship.
No Tyler Perry is not dating Cheryl "Pepsii" Riley. Cheryl is married.
yes she is