John Agard hasn't died yet. He is still alive and living in England.
John Gay - philosopher - died in 1745.
As of June 2014, author and poet has written 44 books. He has received many awards for his writing and currently lives in England.
John Gay died on December 4, 1732 at the age of 47.
John Le Gay Brereton died in 1933.
John agard got married to grace nichols
John agard was born on the 21st of June 1949 in British Guyanese.
john agard is from Guyana in the south of America
John Agard hasn't died yet. He is still alive and living in England.
john agard wrote 48 books
John Agard
The poem "Half-Caste" by John Agard was written in 2005. It explores themes of identity, culture, and prejudice, challenging the idea of seeing mixed-race individuals as only part of a whole.
He's a famous poet and a story writer
John Agard :)