Technically no, unless your another male and he isn't gay...but some guys like nicknames like that and some don't so I wouldn't do it to eery guy you meet/are in a relationship with because it could be a turn off...very few guys would think it's a turn on
yeah you can call him babe or give him a nice name. like grumpy bear :D or something cute. but if he acts weird when you call him that, than you should probably stop. best thing is to ask him if he likes to be called that.
Sometimes guys will call a girl "babe" or "baby" either A. because they like you etc. or B. it makes them feel more masculine or cool.
not neccesarily. personaly i dont call anyone babe because i think its kind of weird comming out of my mouth. but i know guys who say it to every girl they know because they're just that soft and nice.ANSWERNot really,Im a giirl and I call all my guy friends babe just to give them some self esteem and to be nice, bt some boys do it for a reason it just depends on if the boy likes you or not if he does then he means it if not then its probaly just to be nice.
IN the midland (UK) its a term of endearment bab is a shrtened version of babe
No i call my girlfriend that too. She loves it and it's sweet.
Then don't call him babe. Honor his request and maybe ask him what enouring term he'd like to be called instead.
Yes I'd say so bub, it's completely okay babe. :) -wink, wink--Tancred Torroson.
No, I called my boyfriend cute before. Until he broke up with me.
He was probably being playful calling you weird while being the same flirty guy he is. So, don't take it so hard on yourself. Sometimes weird is cool but in this situation it is cool either way.
He needs to ask her if it is "ok". Some women/girls view it as an insult.
Call the police!
Ask him how his day went and what he did, tell him something weird or funny that happened to you recently.