No it's not bad at all you get it once a month if you are in your 40 's your going thru your change if you are young your young
what peiroid did hippocrates
Well...........YES you can but you must be crazy imagine if your mom or dad found out you would have to give your baby away and ur bf will probably break up with you soo.... yea also you can only get pregnant if you have your peiroid im only in 5th and i have my peiroid but im not going to get pregnant enless im over +18 SO DONT DO IT YOU WILL REGRET IT when you never see your child
because we dont do them so they seem very weird to us
dont be weird
They are weird.
no, I dont think it would look weird at all
its weird because you probaly dont even no that person and hes winking at you
dont name your child that
you could but i dont think you do
i dont think it's weird
No, I dont like pie either...