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i dont know if its usual, but i do!!!! anyone else have any feedback on this situation?

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Q: Is it usual to have painful breasts after a miscarriage?
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Is miscarriage at 5 weeks painful?

just a little more cramping than usual

Do breasts shrink after miscarriage?


Can stretching the legs cause miscarriage?

No as pregnant you can move as usual.

What would it indicate if you have symptoms such as sore breasts and more discharge than usual and sharp painful cramps?

This is possibly a indication of pregnancy. Do a pregnancy test. It may also be a indication of a approaching period and sometimes even ovulation.

How is not wearing a bra painful?

If it's not it's not. But your breasts will eventually sag if you don't.

What would a miscarriage look and or feel like if you were 6 weeks pregnant?

A heavy painful period with clots.

Does white discharge mean miscarriage?

well you could google information on miscarriage but as far as i understand when you miscarriage it is similar to your period only heavier than usual and late.. so no it could just be normal discharge or it could be an STD..

Does light pink discharge in early pregnancy mean miscarriage?

Hello. No this doesn't mean its a miscarriage hun. Miscarriage bleeding is usually heavy, red and very painful cramping. Its most likely early pregnancy spotting or spotting due to a UTI.

Can you hit a woman's breasts?

yes u can, why couldn't you? it might leave bruising, and it's painful

What does it mean when your cervix is open your bleed heavily with big clots and large tissue coming out? can be either a heavy period or a miscarriage. If it does happen to be a miscarriage, you may experience very painful cramps as well.

Does disappearance of breast tenderness at 7 weeks suggest an impending miscarriage. Had no sickness in last successful pregnancy so breasts were the only symptom?

no breast tenderness has nothing to do with with miscarriage---not all women gets pregnancy symptoms---

Does expressing milk from the breasts feel good?

Breastfeeding can be quite painful and expressing milk is not sexual for the woman.