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yes it is true and i recommend you buy alien birthpod

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Q: Is it true that toy alien eggs give birth?
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They lay eggs... true

Does tilapia lay eggs or give birth to young alive?

tilapia fish lay up to 40 to 150 And that iis very true

Does a python lay eggs or give live birth to its offspring?

A python lays eggs that then hatch as its offspring. This is only true if it mates with another snake. But if it mates with a mammal, such as a chipmunk, it will give live birth. Obviously the person who gave this answer had a "chipmunk" as a father. Pythons lay eggs.

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The answer is "all mammals give birth to live young". Though today we know that is not entirely true. For example, the platypus is a mammal and it lays eggs.

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no it is a primate, a mammal. it is born in a natural birth

Do all fish lays eggs?

No, not all fish lay eggs. There are some fish that give birth to live young. One example is some species of shark. Other examples are mollies, swordtail, platies and guppies. not true

Do amphibians give birth to live young?

No, reptiles lay eggs that hatch into little reptiles.Actually that's not entirely true, some species such as Boas are ovoviviparous (eggs hatch inside the body) and give birth to live young. Other snakes like Garter snakes also give birth to live young, can't remember any others off the top of my head.there are also two types of lizards that give birth to live young these are considered ovoviviparous one type i know is the blue-tongued skinkSome lizards: Solomon Island skink Blue-tongue skink Shingle-backed skink Some chameleons: Jackson's chameleon Some snakes: All boas All vipers Garter snakesYes, rattlesnakes give birth to living young as do all of the venomous snakes in the U.S. with the exception of the Coral snake which is an egg layer>

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Its true that the mars had a red man or alien?

if you are wondering mars could have a red man or alien but it is unlikley to get a red man and alien.

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an alien

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Worst english ever -_-

Does every mammal give birth to live young?

All mammals on earth give birth to their young instead of laying eggs. however the Duck-billed platypus from Australia is the only exeption to this, as it is the only mammal on earth that lays eggs instead of giving birth.