She was the furthest thing away from being gay. She loved gays. I am gay and we were really good friends. I took her to Fire Island for a few days and the drag queens and everyone else went crazy for her! We had a blast and she loved it. No she was not gay.
Isabel Sanford is 5' 3".
Isabel Sanford's birth name is Eloise Gwendolyn Sanford.
Isabel Sanford was born on August 29, 1917.
Isabel Sanford was born on August 29, 1917.
Isabel Sanford died on July 9, 2004 at the age of 86.
Isabel Sanford died on July 9, 2004 at the age of 86.
Isabel Sanford
Intimate Portrait - 1993 Isabel Sanford was released on: USA: 3 February 2003
There are many famous people named Isabel such as Isabel Sanford the actress, Isabel Peron, President of Argentina, Isabel Desmet is a famous model and 2008 Olympic athlete Isabel Fernandez.