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Q: Is it true if you dont use it you lose it?
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How do you lose yourself?

dont use a map

Why do you have to take care of your muscles?

Because if you dont use them you lose them

Is it true if you do not use your brain you lose it?

No, you use your brain all the time anyway

Why should you use a bank?

so you dont lose all your money maybe?

When you make a wish how do you know its going to come true?

you dont but if you want your wish to come true go to you got nothing to lose! do what it tells you and your wish will come true.

Is it true if you don't use it you'll lose it?

== == yep...maintenance is needed on everything especially your body.

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Well ppl say its 250likes I dont know if its true but use it

Why is important to apply what it has been taught?

There is an old saying..."if you dont use it,you lose it" and that is exactly what will happen. fairly quickly,surprisingly.

When you bid on lockerz do you lose your points?

no you dont lose your points but if you win it then yes

Is it true that if you make 1000 Origami Cranes a wish is granted?

I am not entirely sure, why dont you try and then you can tell everybody whether it is true or not, just the other day, I made four of them, they are really easy, but dont use normal paper, use origami paper.

Is it true that if you run into a wall you lose 150 calories?

No, what you will lose is conciousness.

What tool is best to use when planning a diet?

Dont diet. change the way you eat completely and permanently to lose weight successfully.