Well, there's approximately 6.5 billion people in the world, and 365 days in the year. My calculator can't go up that high, but yes, it's generally a couple of million people's birthday on any given day. Well, there's approximately 6.5 billion people in the world, and 365 days in the year. My calculator can't go up that high, but yes, it's generally a couple of million people's birthday on any given day.
somebodys birthday fiest time on earth day
Go to: Directories > Today's Birthdays and you see everyones birthday that day.
No, everyday is someone's birthday
Because you aren't born everyday. If you want, celebrate your birthday everyday; that is up to you.
You find somebodys password on google.com all you do is say "somebodys password or email" or you go on ask.com and ask! You find somebodys password on google.com all you do is say "somebodys password or email" or you go on ask.com and ask!
There is many many people in this world more than 100 billion people its hard to imangine all them people but its true. So infact there is a birthday everyday
because he is a silly toddy goose
Give it back.
type the password
it means to be on somebodys side