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probably not a clever thing to do

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Q: Is it safe to put Christmas lights in a glass bottle with garland?
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What is a Glass contanier?

A glass container is anything made of glass that is used to contain or store something. For instance, a jar or a bottle made of glass is a glass container.

Why would it be easy to crack a glass bottle when filled with water and subjected to a flame?

The temperature contrasts would cause differential expansion of the bottle which, being brittle, would cause the glass to crack.

What is a highly corked glass bottle full of water left outside on a frosty night bursts?

i don't understand....

What are some transparent objects?

Some transparent objects are water, air, and clear glass.

What does changing air pressure do to an empty water bottle?

When you pour in the hot water, it takes up all of the space inside the bottle (since it is a fluid). When you pour out the hot water and quickly put on the cap the air pressure inside the bottle is less than the air pressure outside causing the bottle to implode on itself. I'm not really sure about pouring cold water on after, maybe someone knows the answer to that part. But if you try doing it you can probably figure out what the answer is! Actually: When you pour the hot water in, and then out of the bottle the air that rushes in to replace the water is warmed by the water, and the warmed sides of the bottle, causing it to expand and some air leaves the bottle. When you then cap the bottle and let it cool to room temperature the air inside contracts, but because the cap is on no air can get back in to even things out. This causes the pressure inside the bottle to drop. Because the outside air pressure is higher than that inside the bottle, the bottle will chrush in, if it is plastic, until the bottle is small enough that the two pressures are equal. Pouring cold water on the bottle just amplifies the contraction of the air inside the bottle causing an even more pronounced effect. Note that this can be hazardous if you use glass, because the glass will not bend or crush but appear normal until the pressure difference gets to high and the glass simply implodes all at once.

Related questions

What happens a lot if one bulb breaks in your Christmas lights?

Then you will have pieces of glass on the floor.

What should you get a girl that you want to be your girl friend for Christmas?

perfume in a shiny small glass bottle, that has a french sounding name.

How get glass stopper out of a glass bottle?

Grease the top of the bottle!

What exactly is meant by old world christmas?

Old World Christmas is a specific brand that has specialized itself on christmas products. Some of these include Lights & Light Covers, Glass Ornaments and Greeting Cards.

What is the best way to put a hole in the side of a wine bottle big enough to put string lights in.?

A glass drill or diamond saw

What does a glass bottle do in chemistry?

A glass bottle is used as a container for many reagents.

If you see a broken glass bottle in a food room you should?

Replace the glass bottle

How do you crack the glass in the ballroom on SOS?

You get in the ballroom and see a floating bottle. You click on that bottle and then go to the glass and click on the bottle on your left bottom corner. then you click on the glass.

Which page is the spongebob glass bottle hidden on?

Which page is the SPONGE-BOB GLASS BOTTLE hidden on?

When did Knox Glass Bottle Company end?

Knox Glass Bottle Company ended in 1968.

Was the first Windex bottle glass?

No, the first Windex bottle was not made of glass. It was a plastic spray bottle when it was first introduced in the market.

Is reusing a glass bottle safe?

Reusing a glass bottle is not safe in the least bit. This is unless the bottle has been completely sterilized.