

Best Answer

yes evaporated milk contains more calcium and nutrients bcz most of the water is it is more beneficial

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Q: Is it safe to have evaporated milk when pregnant?
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Related questions

Is it safe to drink evaporated milk?

Yes, it is safe to drink evaporated milk as long as it has been properly stored and is not expired. Evaporated milk is a canned milk product that has had about 60 of its water content removed, making it safe for consumption.

Is it safe to feed a cow evaporated milk?

No, you don't feed any cow any sort of milk. Cows drink water, not milk, and eat hay and grass, not evaporated milk.

Is evaporated milk safe for small cats?

NO dont give cats milk at all or they will go crazy and scratch you up!!

Is lumpy evaporated milk safe?

No, It is not. As my mother always told me, "When in doubt, throw it out" and I would do that with lumpy evaporated milk. Makes me shudder just thinking about it.

How long after you stop taking milk thistle is it safe to get pregnant?

It is actually safe to take milk thistle while you are pregnant.

Is whole milk richer than evaporated milk?

No. Whole milk has a thinner consistency than evaporated milk.

Is sterilized milk safe for pregnant women?

Yes because its sterilized. The only milk you can't drink is goats milk. Xxx

Is evaporated milk safe to drink?

Evaporated milk is very safe to drink. Some people claim it has a different flavor than fresh milk. It comes in whole, low-fat, and no-fat varieties, so you can use something similar to what you drink in fresh milk. It has about 60% of the water removed from it, so most people do one can of evaporated milk and add a can of water to it to bring it to the consistency of fresh milk.

What does evaporated mean in evaporated milk?

Evaporated milk means milk with some of the water removed by evaporation to concentrate and thicken it.

How can I make milk from evaporated milk?

To make milk from evaporated milk, simply mix it with an equal amount of water. This will reconstitute the evaporated milk back to its original milk form.

Is sweetened condensed milk the same as evaporated milk?

No, sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk are not the same. Sweetened condensed milk has added sugar, while evaporated milk does not.

Is condensed milk the same as evaporated milk?

No, condensed milk and evaporated milk are not the same. Condensed milk is sweetened and thickened, while evaporated milk is unsweetened and has a slightly caramelized flavor.