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I've never heard of that but good luck.

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Q: Is it possible to make diamonds out of tequila?
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How you made diamonds from tequila?

You cannot make diamonds from tequila -- their chemical properties are not the same.

How do make your own diamonds in a matter of days?

This project is not possible.

What shape does 3 diamonds make?

There are infinitely many possible answers that depend on the relative shapes and sizes of the diamonds.

How many diamonds do i need to make full set and tolls in minecaft?

In order to make a Full Set of Armor, you need 24 Diamonds. In order to make a Full Set of Tools, you need 8 Diamonds. In total, you need 32 Diamonds for both Full Sets. If you want to make every object possible that can be made out of diamonds, you would need 45 Diamonds (Including a Diamond Block, Enchantment Table, Jukebox, and Firework Star)

How many ounces make a bottle of tequila?

Tequila bottles range in size. You can get anything from a small two ounce Airport bottle of tequila to a larger handle of tequila with 59 ounces.

How do you make tequila a on doodle god?

An alcohol and a worm is how you make tequila on Doodle God 2.

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Tequila grenadine and orange juice make up what drink?

Diet tequila sunrise. Tequila sunrise = Tequila, OJ, Grenadine. If you substitute cranberry for grenadine, I'm thinking you will get what is called a diet tequila sunrise.

What is Tequila Cacti?

It is not a cactus at all, it is the Blue Agave that is used to make tequila. Agave plants are succulents not cacti.

How do you make or buy tequila extract?

[This question was split off from the question "How do you make tequila?"]I tried finding tequila extract--there weren't any distributors in US I surfed the internet trying to find tequila extract/flavorings and really couldn't find a distributor but everyone recommended boiling "old gold" type tequila till the alcohol was gone -- tada! tequila extract -- or using the agave products on the market-- so that made me think--maybe you can get close to the (pardon the pun) SPIRIT of tequila by trying to use agave syrup in the same way honey is used in a fermentation process---I have to admit--I'm not sure how to make tequila.

Can you make your own diamonds for under 100 dollars?

You may be able to write about one, paint one, photograph one or otherwise represent one, but it is not possible for you to 'make' a diamond for less than 100 dollars. However, you can visit Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas, USA, and for US$8.00 as an entry fee, dig for diamonds and keep whatever diamonds you find. Mother Nature makes the best diamonds.

It is possible to have many small diamonds melting into one large diamond?

No, it is not possible for many small diamonds to melt and combine into one large diamond. The crystal structure of diamonds does not allow for this type of fusion.