Yes. Go to the absinthe website and there should be separate links for each of the devices on iOS 5.1.1
Yes, you can use Absinthe 2.0.1 to jailbreak iOS 5.1.1. Here is a website with step-by-step instructions on how to jailbreak:
Yes but not on
How to jailbreak my iPod touch
not possible. you have to download software onto an iPod touch via PC
No, its not possible. Wait for the greenpOison to be released.
no, to get a newer jailbreak you have to restore the ipod touch and then update the ipod touch and then download the jailbreak. that is a huge con for jailbreaking.
You cannot put themes on an iPod Touch without the jailbreak.
You can turn off the iPod Touch if you jailbreak it.
No currently there is no jailbreak available for the ipod touch 2nd gen
There is no 3gb on the ipod touch.
to jailbreak your ipod 4.1 go to
to jailbreak your iPod 4.1 go to