if you are strong yes....... if you are not strong then the answer is no
The minigun shoots 6000 rounds per minute, that is 100 bullets a second, so it does have about 1000-10000 bullets
Yes,this may not be so useful however it's neat if your tired of hearing minigun's going buzz. Get any helicopter with minigun's and quickly tap the fire button 4 times,when you get to the fourth time hold down. Like this tap,tap,tap,hold. You can do this with any minigun too.
The only way to get a minigun in call of duty 4 is to go on the mission 'Heat' and use the minigun in the crashed helicopter.
what button do you press to get the minigun
Yes. The M134 'Minigun' is designed for military applications.
Anything is possible. A better question would be "is it feasible?"
Minigun is the best weapon because its lot of ammo and really deadly
It was considered a scaled down - or miniature - version of the Vulcan 20mm cannon.
A minigun for Chris and a Longbow for Sheeva A minigun for Chris and a Longbow for Sheeva
You can't by a minigun. They belong to U.S. Army and it's allies. Besides it's illegal to the public.
Quite accurate.