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Ovulation Calendar helps you become pregnant You are most fertile when you are ovulating, so knowing your time of ovulation will help you determine the best days to conceive. Ovulation Calendar calculates the probability of conception based on your ovulation time and other factors such as lifespan of the egg and sperm; and shows you the days that are most promising for conception. Go to Baby ad u can take the ovulation test so u will know when u are. Answer: No. You ovulate once a cycle and typically release one egg. But the best way to think of ovulation is as an event that takes place over 24 hours. During that time you can release one or more eggs, which explains, for example, fraternal twins. Here's how it works: Every cycle, about 15 to 20 eggs start to mature in each ovary. Each egg is encased in its own fluid-filled sac, or follicle. A race begins for one of these follicles to become the largest. Ovulation eventually occurs when one ovary releases an egg from the most dominant follicle.

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10y ago

The term 'cycle' refers to your entire menstrual cycle, but I believe you're referring to menstruation specifically. Yes, you can begin ovulating one day after menstruation: you'd have a short cycle but it is absolutely possible. Unless you use fertility awareness method you can't know when you are fertile or not, thus you should always use another form of Birth Control to prevent pregnancy.

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