Fear, nervous tension, cold, muscle spasm .....
Automatic responses to certain stimuli also known as conditioned responses occur when a certain stimulus is paired with an involuntary response. An example of this is Pavlovs famous experiment with dogs where he paired the ringing of a bell with the presentation of food. Over time the dogs learned to salivate at the sound of the bell even without the food being presented. This is an example of a conditioned response.Other examples of automatic responses to certain stimuli include: Fear response a person may freeze or become panicked when they hear a loud noise Gag reflex a person may reflexively gag when presented with certain tastes or smells Startle response a person may jump when a sudden loud noise is heardAutomatic responses to certain stimuli are a form of learning and can be beneficial in certain situations such as when a person has a fear of loud noises. By pairing the loud noise with a calm response the person can learn to become desensitized to the noise and no longer experience fear.
"Goosebumps" are a colloquial term for what is medically known as "cutis anserina." Completely harmless, goosebumps are simply small bumps that develop at the base of body hairs (we especially notice goosebumps on our arms and legs). Goosebumps form involuntarily when a person is cold, and may also form when they experience intense emotions such as fear.
fear is very powerful emotion. fear can turn a man into animal!
Mastophobia from Greek mastos (breats) + phobia (fear)
It is completely natural to fear such things.
Hamilton could be a safe place but not completely sure
depends on the severity ( i overcame my fear by playing with some little puppies)
generalized anxiety
There are different meanings but the main two are: no fear = heck no. And screaming no fear before doing something completely stupid. Remember, there is no such thing as "no fear" fear can only be controlled.
The ISBN of Without Fear is 0785128158.
As we know that anything we hide from other will leads to tension... As when we lie the person will definitely have the feeling whether they might come to know the real facts so.... its not fear but completely tension...
Without fear = zonder angst
Live Without Fear was created in 1996.
Without Fear Movement was created in 1999.
It is a quality of mind and spirit so that you can face difficulties and dangers without fear. Being brave
Without fear. Sometimes used as a phrase Nec spe, Nec metu - Without hope, without fear