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Yes. Another Answer A person can be born with both a penis and a vagina. Sometimes two eggs are fertilized at the same time. They join together to create one individual. If one of the eggs is male and one is female, frequently the baby will have both a vagina and a penis. Also, some mothers create an excess or testerone. If this happens, a female baby can be born with a penis. So two different reasons exist why a person can have both organs. One is that the person is a hermaphrodite. The other is that the person was overloaded with hormones in the womb.

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Q: Is it possible for a person to be born with a penis and vagina?
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Can girls have both private parts?

It is possible for a girl or female to have both private parts. A girl that is born with both a penis and a vagina is known as a hermaphrodites - hermaphroditus.

Can an adult man born with a penis have surgery to become a intersex hermaphridite with both a penis and vagina after surgery?

I suppose now-a-days with enough money anything might be possible, however up till now the normal method of creating a vagina in transsexual surgery has been to remove the penis and fold the skin in to create a void (vagina) where it (the penis) was. This being the case, under normal circumstances you can't create an Hermaphrodite from a man.

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Yes Lady gaga has born with a penis and balls but she was also born with boobs she is a he/she but she got an operation down there and got a vagina.

Is it possible to have a working penis as a girl?

Yes, of course it is possible to have a working penis as a girl.Trans girls will have been born with a penis so unless they have gender reassignment surgery to remove the penis and have a vagina and vulva formed their penis will remain functional.

What is tgirl?

A person living woman and who was born with a penis. They don't have both.

What is a female with a penis?

A girl with a penis is called...her name.You may be referring to a transgender person: a trans woman who has a penis. You may be referring to an intersex person: a female born with a penis.

Has a hermaphrodite ever been born with both gender's genitals fully working?

Yes a hermaphrodite is an organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes. The term hermaphrodite has also been used to describe ambiguous genitalia and gonadal mosaicism in human beings.

What should be the diameter of the female vagina?

Hopefully smaller then her partners penis, or else no one is getting anywhere. 2nd Answer: When the vagina is not being used, it is not an open tube, so has no diameter at all. On the other hand, when a baby is being born, the diameter of the vagina is equal to the baby's head . . . say, 6-inches.

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maybe ? yes. Ciara does. it's nasty.

Why is it painful or so hard to penetrate penis into vagina if whole baby can born out of the vaginal hole?

Because during child birth the vagina dilates to 10 cm before pushing a baby out! Dilating does not occur before intercourse which is why its hard or hurts to penetrate!

Can a boy not have a penis?

Yes. But they stay single because their nasty. dont listen to that fool!, A boy can be born with a Vagina and grow up as a girl. not being gay. same with a girl. or they can be born with both, and act as whatever they feel to be. called Hermaphrodites sometimes, their sexual organs wont work, some times only one will, meaning that person is the gender of the working organ. Like that foool some people think they are nasty, because they see porn of tha,but not every one is like this

Is it possible for a person to change the place they were born?

logically NO