Yes, you can take the pill a few hours early. Early is not a problem; late is a problem.
Yes. No problem.
You know, I actually had this happen to me and the answer is yes! The reason why you might have started early could be stress in your life, or a change in hormones. It has happened to me and it was okay. However, if your period continues to be all over the place, then please speak to your gynecologist!
No it is not okay. If birth control pills are not taken everyday at the same time, you will increase your chances of pregnancy. The only way for birth control to be 99.9% effective you must take your birth control everyday at the same time. If you find it difficult remembering to take your birth control as directed, you should speak to your physician about trying a different method of birth control, such as an IUD, or the Depo Vera shot. In the meanwhile find a time that is convenient for you to take your pill. Try taking your birth control everyday at 7 AM for example.
yes it is perfectly fine
If you start your birth control before the Sunday after your period, I recommend that you use a back up method form of birth control, such as condoms or abstinence to avoid becoming pregnant. Your birth control may not be as effective in your system now, you should also take a pregnancy test if you have been having unprotected intercourse.
In theory, anytime after menstruation has begun.
Only if you're also taking a break from having sex.
When you take 28-day birth control, you get a fake period from the hormone levels in your body. Scientists have found this is fine for your body, and will not hurt you.
That is not likely to be an effective plan.
Yes its ok to take your birth control pills as normal. You really didnt need to take a EC hun. BCP protects you against pregnancy. Because you took EC your period may be early or later than planned.
The christian church believes life begins at the moment of conception, so as long as you're not pregnant your okay