you can do it however you would like, if your not on birth controll i recommend using a condom to prevent pregnancy. if you are on birth controll then even if you want to be safe you may still you use a condom to protect from pregnancy and even some std's. hope i helped
The only "birth control" that works 100 percent is Abstinence. But a condom will help prevent it, without a condom you have a low percent of not getting pregnant.
That will surely depend on the birth control method used. For example, a condom is only effective while you actually use it.That will surely depend on the birth control method used. For example, a condom is only effective while you actually use it.That will surely depend on the birth control method used. For example, a condom is only effective while you actually use it.That will surely depend on the birth control method used. For example, a condom is only effective while you actually use it.
Yes! The only birth control for men is the condom. Alcohol has never worked as birth control, quite the contrary.
Absolutely YES! Birth control pills only protect you from getting pregnant. Condoms, while not foolproof, will protect you from STDs.
Never. A condom is still the best way to prevent pregnancy, and the only birth control system that works ninety percent of the time or better.
The only thing that can prevent pregnancy is regular use of protection. For example using a condom every time you have sex or failing that starting birth control. Birth control used in conjunction with a condom will prevent pregnancy.
Condom is the only safe way that won't mess your body up. Wrap it before you tap it
Condoms will protect you from pregnancy without birth control pills. However, the condom must be used properly. To ensure protection from pregnancy while only using condoms, you must be sure that the condom is the proper size, make sure that the condom outside of the condom does not come in contact with the male genitalia.
Only if you're also taking a break from having sex.
The only 100% effective means is abstinence- not to have sex. Surgical sterilization, such as removal of the uterus is also highly effective. All common means of birth control such as condoms, birth control pills, IUDs, withdrawal, rhythm method CAN fail in some percentage of cases.
Yes. Most birth control methods are only 98% effective. It is advised to always use a condom as extra protection.
If you use the birth control pill perfectly, it is 99.7% effective all on its own. If you mess up, it is 92%. When used with the male condom it is 99.99% effective with perfect use, and 98.8% effective with typical use. The risk of pregnancy is very low while on the pill, but remember that only condoms can protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.