

Best Answer

ya do it i did it didnt workout to good but go for it

It depends on how you look at it and this is how i look at it and i am religus see Adam and Eve were the first people on earth and they had lots of children and there children had children and so on and so on now they might of had kids with brothers and sisters and The Bible tells i think it does i kinda forget that they will be no more brother or sister getting married aka close relatives so when you think about it second cousins arent realy that close but there close in a way and when we get married to a person there most likey probaly or 50Th cousin down the line to Adam and Eve so i think its kinda ok to marry your second cousin but if your family doesent realy agree with it and if you are religus pray about it and if God's answer is yes then niether ur parents or family can realy stop it cause it would be Gods will his answer if God says yes about it
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Q: Is it okay to date your second cousin?
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it is okay to date anyone who is not a "blood relative". Anyone who is a "Step..." anything is not a blood relative. For instance, it is okay to date your: Step Cousin, Step Second Cousin, Step Third Cousin, etc. it is even okay to date a step Brother or sister, however it is slightly looked down upon by most societies.

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You can date anyone you want, whether third cousin or first cousin. Going beyond simply dating may raise issues with a first cousin, but not with a third cousin.

Is it bad to date your cousin's x boyfriend?

no and yes if its okay with your cousin because if it is not okay with your cousin who knows what might happen to your relationship between your cousin and you this actually happened to me but my cousin said no because she still had feelings for him and i said its OKAY there is plenty of hot guys out there why only stay on one :) but then again this is MY answer some people might have different answer and might disagree on what I'm statingand it is okay

Can I date my aunts cousin?

yes, you can. If your dad and your cousins mom are brother and sister then you can date your cousins cousin on your cousins dads side.

Is your cousins children first blood relative?

Well your cousin is your first cousin so if they have a baby that would be your second cousin.Did you know that you can date and marry your second cousin?

What are you to your second cousin?

If you are his second cousin, he is your second cousin

Should you date your fourth cousin?

Yes, you could ate your fourth cousin and in some cases people can marry a fourth cousin as they are far removed enough genetically to have children. However, it is the family that may have a problem with fourth cousins dating.

What is your second cousin's cousin's cousin in relationship to you?

Asking about your second cousin's cousin's cousin is asking about a complex but poorly defined relationship. Are the cousins of the second cousin his first cousin, second cousin, fifth cousin twice removed, or something else. It is likely that a cousin's cousin's cousin is not related to you at all. It is also possible that your second cousin's first cousin's first cousin is also your second cousin.

How are you related to your second cousin's niece?

Your second cousin's niece is the daughter of your second cousin's brother or sister. Your second cousin's brother or sister is also your second cousin, so this question is the same as "How are you related to the daughter of your second cousin."The daughter of your second cousin is your second cousin, once removed.

What relation your first cousin's second cousin to you?

Your first cousin's second cousin may be your second cousin as well, or may not be related to you at all.

What relation is your child to your cousin?

Your child is your cousin's second cousin. (And he/she is your child's second cousin)

How are you related to your second cousin?

Your second cousin is your parent's cousin's child. You and your second cousin share a great-grandparent (not a grandparent).