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Ask his girlfriend. Some relationships are open like that but most aren't. Rather than ask him and risk your reputation, ask her.

Answer: Um personally, NO.

uh not a lot of girls or woman like to share there boyfriends and if they do then it wasn't that serious in the first place, because when you love someone, you don't want to share them. And if the guy does try to date you and his girl, then he's another Tiger Woods and Jesse James.

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Q: Is it okay to date a guy who has a girlfriend?
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Rule. Do not date a guy who has a girlfriend. Do not date a guy even if he and his girlfriend are probably going to breakup. Do not date a guy if you suspect he has a girlfriend. You do not ever want to be that person, the other woman. It's not a classy place to be and will probably bite you later. Wait for a guy who can spend his romantic energy on you, and not any other girl.

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No. Until you are 18 it is illegal.

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He already considers you as his girlfriend, or he's just bragging to his friends.